Welcome Číßă
Again we meet in our appointment
Today we meet with Sanmar which exemplary and many of us do not know the story of Sanmar
To take a look at that story and then go back to the topic
Wanted Numan king perplexing to build a palace not like Him Palace, proud Arabs, and boasted before the Persians, as the son Sabor Persian king was will assess this palace and chose Numan on Sanmar to design and build this palace, and claimed that the Sanmar this was a man Rumia creative in construction.
Numan summoned this building or building engineer and tabbed Palace has no parallel, befitting his master mean Mr. Naman, which will descend. We think that the Sanmar flew dreams and hopes in the gift after the Arab king builds his palace Marvel. They say: took Sanmar to build this palace twenty years, and some say sixty years (and this is not Bmacol it Numan says biographers died at age eighty) ended Sanmar to build the palace and named it Khurnq, and people were going through and marveled hasan and glory. Sanmar finished building the palace to be completed, and Numan came to inspect the construction. View Naman Palace and toured Berjaúh, then after a short conversation with Sanmar, ordered his men threw Sanmar from the top of the palace fell Sanmar lifeless body motionless, died Sanmar.
But what this dialogue which ended in the killing of Sanmar?
Biographers claim that Sanmar said Noman
As for God, if you like while its structure made it revolves with the sun where it took place.
Numan asked him: You are to improve to build more beautiful than this?
Then is thrown from the top of the palace
They say that the Sanmar said to him:
I know the subject of brick - means a room or a brick - if still fundamentally attacked the palace!
He said to him: Aiarafha one else?
Said: I do not.
He said: Adanha what one knows ordered that he threw it from the top of the palace he judged.) Whatever the reason, this is a penalty known when this king, and at the time penalty hit, for example, say Sanmar
Welcome Číßă
Meditator of history and that story to find that there is a great similarity between what he did King Psonmar and between the way the Zionist regime is dealing with the Arabs, but with some the Kano inhabit country someday
Jews have lived since ancient times between the Arabs and have had dealings with them in all fields in trade and industry, cinema, art, medicine, engineering, brought together by common interests and mutual respect
All of this was in the past where the Arab countries treat the people of the country treated them all the rights and equality is no difference between them and any other race, and without prejudice to their faith
And now what we see them every day
After that they became illegal entity (entity is originally an Arab land)
We find them greed everywhere and abuse everything that is Arab, but also excellence among themselves
And ingratitude towards the country, which Asho Traro and exploitation material and moral
Not only this
But we find them steal everything sanctioned hands of art and literature, history and distorts the facts
He even went their stolen rights and stripped of everything that Arab
Oh woe Sanmar this time that he came under the sovereignty find them permanent Alszlal and kill any manifestations of joy about his beliefs and his faith
The king was in the story of murder once
They kill Sanmar Arab thousand thousand times every day
Though Sanmar in the story had died at the hands of the king visits
Fsnmar Arab are Azlalh by killing a thousand times
That was the story of Sanmar what befell the Arab and joins it and joins it will Zionists this time
Versus what their unknown to them
We meet soon in the next episode
Sharif Hakim pen
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